I’m really interested in learning what is happening in New Zealand relating to the digital humanities.
Some things that might be worth chatting about:
- What questions are being investigated?
- Are there networks that should be connected?
- What challenges are people facing?
- Which organisations are leading the way?
- Where are the rich, juicy datasets.
About Tim McNamara
My day job is to reach out to researchers who need access to powerful computers and let them know that there are national resources available to them. I work at the publicly funded New Zealand eScience Infrastructure.
I spent a lot of time doing natural language processing work for my masters, however it's been a while! I love playing around with the DigitalNZ & Trove APIs. In my spare time, I've been learning a little bit about network and graph theory.
I like the idea of taking a DH-in-NZ ‘inventory’ – I’m guessing we’ll need the big room for this session!