TALK: who is doing what, where?

I’m really interested in learning what is happening in New Zealand relating to the digital humanities.

Some things that might be worth chatting about:

  • What questions are being investigated?
  • Are there networks that should be connected?
  • What challenges are people facing?
  • Which organisations are leading the way?
  • Where are the rich, juicy datasets.
Categories: Session Proposals, Session: Talk |

About Tim McNamara

My day job is to reach out to researchers who need access to powerful computers and let them know that there are national resources available to them. I work at the publicly funded New Zealand eScience Infrastructure. I spent a lot of time doing natural language processing work for my masters, however it's been a while! I love playing around with the DigitalNZ & Trove APIs. In my spare time, I've been learning a little bit about network and graph theory.

1 Response to TALK: who is doing what, where?

  1. Donelle says:

    I like the idea of taking a DH-in-NZ ‘inventory’ – I’m guessing we’ll need the big room for this session!

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