Thurs 28 Nov 2013
THATCamp Wellington 2013 will be held on Thurs 28 November at Victoria University, following the National Digital Forum conference. Follow us on Twitter for updates #thatcamp #wgtn13-
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- Session: Play
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- Session: Teach
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Jonathan Harker

- Senior Developer
- Catalyst IT
- Website:
I live in Pukerua Bay, grow chillies, roast coffee and own a precocious spotty Bengal cat. I also play trombone in Orchestra Wellington from time to time. I joined Catalyst IT in 2006 and among many things we are fundamentally passionate about open source, open formats and digital sustainability. At Catalyst I am mainly a Moodle and Django developer and I am also a contributor to the University of Queensland's open source Fez digital repository system which is based on Fedora Commons.